Flytrap - glue boards ArboBand

Flytrap - glue boards ArboBand

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Detailed product description

A set of 5 boards glued to each other, where 3 glue on both sides and 2 have glue on one side only. Glue boards should be hung close to snail boxes/terrariums. The trap attracts pests with its yellow color.

Glue boards are designed to fight Sciaridae flies and some other insects. 

Adhesive area: 2 x (100 x 200 mm)

The package contains 5 pieces of glue boards.


1 reviews and 0 user reviews

  • 5 1x
  • 4 0x
  • 3 0x
  • 2 0x
  • 1 0x
Veronika Hallová20.08.2022 11:50


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