A. achatina achatina Ghana albino body undemanding species for experienced breeders
  • A. achatina achatina Ghana albino body
  • A. achatina achatina Ghana albino body

A. achatina achatina Ghana albino body

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  • Rating 4
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Detailed product description

Adult size: 15 cm

Generation: F1

Breeding difficulty: Medium (temperature)

Required conditions: Room temperature at least 24-26°C. In winter months heating up to this temperature is needed. Lower temperature is not harmful to this species but it might cause lowering in activity and hibernation even when snails are still babies. It is not needed to heat to the adult snails (2 years and more), possible hibernation is natural to them and can be benefical for their successful breeding. Higher humidity is required (aside from time during their hibernation). 

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4 reviews and 1 user reviews

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20.05.2023 09:33

Helena Havelková18.07.2022 20:41

Schoch Sarah18.05.2022 14:03

Very healthy and beautiful!

Jozef Čičvara24.03.2022 10:37


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