Snail shipments are closed for this year. The snail offer will be updated again when shipping is possible again (March/April 2025).
A. achatina achatina Liberia undemanding species for experienced breeders
  • A. achatina achatina Liberia
  • A. achatina achatina Liberia
  • A. achatina achatina Liberia

A. achatina achatina Liberia

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  • Detailed description
  • Parameters
  • Alternatives 1
  • Rating 8
  • Discussion 1

Detailed product description

Adult size: 17-20 cm

Generation: F2

Breeding difficulty: Medium (temperature)

Required conditions: Room temperature at least 24-26°C. In winter months heating up to this temperature is needed. Lower temperature is not harmful to this species but it might cause lowering in activity and hibernation even when snails are still babies. It is not needed to heat to the adult snails (2 years and more), possible hibernation is natural to them and can be benefical for their successful breeding. Higher humidity is required (aside from time during their hibernation). 


Generation F2

Alternative products

On request (personal pick-up in Prague)
17,62 €
17,62 €
3 cm
+ další


8 reviews and 2 user reviews

  • 5 7x
  • 4 1x
  • 3 0x
  • 2 0x
  • 1 0x
Kateřina Hladíková14.09.2024 15:57

The customer wanted to remain anonymous24.08.2024 11:13

The snail arrived in very good condition, it is active and curious

The customer wanted to remain anonymous24.08.2024 10:47

The customer wanted to remain anonymous07.09.2023 10:19

Šneček je krásný,ulita ve výborném stavu!:)Ani škrábanec. Po cestě zřejmě lehce zmrznul a nyní se mi za správných podmínek víčkuje..Za nějaké rady budu moc ráda!:)

E-shop response:
Dobrý den, děkuji za hodnocení. U A. achatin je toto chování běžné, zkuste šnečkovi ještě více zvýšit vlhkost a teplotu (ideálně okolo 26°C). S pozdravem Jana Nedvědová
Jiři Bachulak21.07.2023 11:07

Kateřina Rysová16.07.2023 17:37

Jiří Buben13.07.2023 17:08

The customer wanted to remain anonymous13.07.2023 10:51


Do you have a question about the product? Ask a question to our pros.

A. achatina achatina Liberia
06.04.2024 14:25
Dobrý den, prosím kdy budou zhruba šnečci k dispozici? Děkuji.

Related products

On request (personal pick-up in Prague)
17,62 €
17,62 €
3 cm
+ další
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