Arch. puylaerti Bohicon, Benin WC IMPORT
  • Arch. puylaerti Bohicon, Benin WC
  • Arch. puylaerti Bohicon, Benin WC

Arch. puylaerti Bohicon, Benin WC

Subadult individuals, some already adults.

Smaller import size, but begin to grow again.

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Detailed product description

Adult size: 10-12 cm

Generation: - (WC)

Breeding difficulty: Easy

Required conditions: Room temperature during the whole year. Higher humidity.


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Arch. puylaerti Bohicon, Benin WC
Vojtech Rožnov
24.01.2023 21:52
Mohl bych se zeptat jestli budou i letos nějaké importi ?
Re: Arch. puylaerti Bohicon, Benin WC
Jana Nedvědová
25.01.2023 08:17
Dobrý den, jestli bude možné je získat, tak ano. S pozdravem, Jana Nedvědová
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