Limicolaria agathina Nigeria undemanding species
  • Limicolaria agathina Nigeria
  • Limicolaria agathina Nigeria
  • Limicolaria agathina Nigeria
  • Limicolaria agathina Nigeria
  • Limicolaria agathina Nigeria
  • Limicolaria agathina Nigeria
  • Limicolaria agathina Nigeria

Limicolaria agathina Nigeria

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  • Detailed description
  • Rating 12
  • Discussion

Detailed product description

Adult size: 5-6 cm

Generation: F2

Breeding difficulty: Easy

Required conditions: Room temperature during the whole year. Higher humidity.


12 reviews and 2 user reviews

  • 5 12x
  • 4 0x
  • 3 0x
  • 2 0x
  • 1 0x
Petra Korčáková19.10.2024 09:48

Lucie Černá 04.10.2024 09:09

Jessica Čapková28.09.2024 11:49

The customer wanted to remain anonymous24.08.2024 15:44

The customer wanted to remain anonymous12.07.2024 09:02

Renata Drozdová23.09.2023 12:34

Van Linden Mirthe16.09.2023 09:21

The customer wanted to remain anonymous03.05.2023 11:50

Hab 10 statt 8 Tiere bekommen ist aber in Ordnung

Kevin Treiber24.04.2023 09:07

Lok Sze Li03.04.2023 08:46

Very pretty kid! it's a little bit shy but healthy.

Petra Gregerová 28.03.2023 21:39

The customer wanted to remain anonymous13.10.2022 11:49


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