
We specialize in breeding exotic snails and offer professional advice on their care and species identification. Additionally, we focus on producing supplementary feeds and participate in trade exhibitions with exotic animals. We are happy to assist you with any questions – feel free to contact us!
Bc. Jana Nedvědová
ID number: 08815143
VAT number: CZ9355090415
I am registered for VAT within European countries.
Bank details: Fio Bank, IBAN: CZ1320100000002101745027, SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX
We communicate exclusively via email. Due to our workload, we are unable to respond to messages on social media.
We do not have a brick-and-mortar store. However, personal pickup is possible by arrangement at the following address:
Zakupska 589/10, 182 00 Prague 8 - Dablice.



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