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Heterodon nasicus
• 1.0 Red het Extrem Red Albino
• 1.0 Red Anaconda het Albino 50% het Toffee Belly
• 1.0 Klasik het Snow
• 1.0 Klasik het Lavender
• 0.1 Albino 50% het Toffee Belly
• 0.1 Klasik het Lavender
1.2 Lampropeltis getula nigrita
Pantherophis guttatus
• 1.0 Amel het Caramel, Motley, Scaleless
• 1.0 Klasik het Amel, Palmetto, Stripe, 66% Anery 50% Motley
• 1.0 Anery Scaleless 66% Amel 50% Motley
• 1.0 Palmetto het Amel, Anery
• 0.1 Stripe Tessera het Caramel 66% het Anery 50% het Amel
• 0.1 Klasik het Butter, Motley, Scaleless
• 0.1 Klasik 66% het Anery, Amel, Palmetto, Stripe
• 0.1 Amel het Caramel
• 0.1 Klasik het Amel, Scaleless
• 0.1 Klasik het Palmetto, Caramel, Amel/Ultra, 50% het Charcoal
• 0.1 Amel het Palmetto, Stripe 66% Anery 50% het Motley
• 0.1 Klasik het Palmetto, Amel, Anery
Pantherophis obsoletus
• 1.0 white side
• 0.1 leucistic
Python regius
• 1.0 Banana
• 0.1 Pastel Champagne Paradox
• 0.1 Butter Mojave poss Leopard
Armadillidium klugii “Montenegro”
Armadillidium maculatum "Zebra"
Armadillidium maculatum "Champagne"
Armadillidium peraccae
Armadillidium vulgare “Magic Potion”
Armadillidium vulgare tangerine
Cubaris murina
Cubaris sp. „Amber“
Cubaris sp. “Panda King”
Cubaris sp. "Platin, Tung Song"
Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky"
Merulanella sp. "Ember Bee"
Merulanella sp. "Starsky"
Merulanella sp. "Tricolor"
Porcellio bolivari “Yellow Ghost”
Porcellio expansus “Orange”
Porcellio flavomarginatus
Porcellio laevis “Dairy Cow”
Porcellio laevis "Milk Back"
Porcellio laevis “Orange”
Porcellio magnificus
Porcellio nicklesi "Rubivan"
Porcellio ornatus "Yellow"
Porcellio scaber lava
Porcellio spatulatus "Coros"
Porcellio werneri
Porcellionides pruinosus "Powder blue"
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Orders containing snails will be shipped no earlier than Monday, March 24. In case of an unfavorable weather forecast, the shipment may be postponed to a later date.
Please remember to add an activated heat pack to your order with snails to ensure their safe transport. At the current temperatures, it is not possible to ship snails without a heat pack. If the weather improves and the heat pack is no longer needed, it will be automatically refunded.
Shipping to the UK will be possible once heat packs are no longer required for transport.
Thank you for your understanding.
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